
Improving the woods

More than two thousand people own at least ten acres of woods in the Forest Works! region. They have the power to influence multiple spheres of life in York County. By how they care for their woods, they may:

  • Employ local people and support the economy
  • Supply wood for everything from home heating and electricity generation to home construction and papermaking
  • Provide a natural filtration system that keeps water clean for drinking and swimming
  • Provide homes and forage for birds, fish and animals
  • Provide space for outdoor family activities such as hiking, snowmobiling and hunting

Owning and managing woods can be a very rewarding endeavor, but it is becoming more challenging. Woodland owners must deal with: taxes, trespass, land use regulations, and fluctuating markets for forest products. Forest Works! aims to help woodland owners make decisions about their woods by providing information.