
Rate my harvest experience

After-harvest survey can also be used before a harvest

The Maine Forest Service sends a “Harvest Satisfaction Survey” to every landowner who conducted a timber harvest during the prior year. Completing the survey is voluntary and can be done on-line or by filling out a printed form. The survey results are confidential and are used to alert the Maine Forest Service to areas for improving educational efforts.

The survey is also a useful checklist to use before a harvest starts. There are many aspects of a timber harvest that may come as a surprise to a woodland owner conducting a harvest for the first time. The size of the machines, the unpredictable schedules of the loggers, the neighbors’ reaction to the operation are just a few.

It may help landowners anticipate what’s ahead and make better decisions.

Several consulting foresters have pledged to work with landowners by using the survey as a pre-harvest checklist to improve communication with landowners and ultimately to improve harvest outcomes. They are Peter Klachany of Shapleigh, Jeffrey Williams of Hollis and Charlie Moreno of Center Strafford, NH.

For more information, check out a blog post.