Take to the Woods October
When | What | Where | Host | FMI |
1-3 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 1 | Demonstration of traditional skills Horse logging, hand-hewing, timberframing, sawmilling, draw-knife carving | Hobbs Farm, 677 Foxes Ridge Road, Acton | Three Rivers Land Trust | FMI |
9 a.m. to 12 noon Sat. Oct. 1 | Open house at Gully Oven Short walk to geolocal curiosity with interesting history | Gully Oven Road, Lebanon | Lebanon Conservation Commission | http://www.lebanon-me.org/conservation-commission 324.457-1435 |
5 to 7 p.m. Thursday Oct. 6 | >Cut Plus Four A woodlot tour four years after a thinning harvest | Yankee Woodlot Wells Reserve Laudholm Road, Wells |
Wells Reserve | www.wellsreserve.org 207.646.1555 |
1 pm to 2 pm. Friday Oct. 7 |
Sawmill tour for legislators and the public. The mill produces Eastern White Pine boards of various dimensions | Pleasant River Pine, 563 New Dam Road, Sanford | Forest Works! | Limited to 15 people. To register, contact Lee Burnett at 207. 324.1596 |
10 a.m. to 12 noon Saturday, Oct. 8 |
Woodlot tour for legislators and the public with discussion of Maine’s Tree Growth Tax Law | Hussey Hill Rd, Acton (opposite Salmon Falls River dam on Hopper Road.) | Small Woodlot Owners Association of Maine | Www.swoam.org 207.477.2607 richardnass@metrocast.net |
9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 8 |
Woods Walk with “Reading the Forested Landscape” author Tom Wessels | Braveboat Harbor Road, KIttery | Kittery Land Trust | Www.kitterylandtrust.org 207.439.8989 |
7 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 9 | Trust Trail Fest Trail run through the woods. Distances range from 5 K to marathon | Emmons Preserve, 57 Gravelly Brook Road, Kennebunkport | Kennebunkport Conservation Trust | http://trusttrailfest.com /Trust_Trail_Fest /Home.html 207.967.3465 |
10 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 9 | Fall Foliage Walk Guided walk with naturalist Eileen Willard | Wells Reserve, Laudholm Road, Wells | Wells Reserve | Www.wellsreserve.org 207.646.1555 |
1 to 2:30 p.m. Sunday Oct. 9 | Edible and Medicinal Plant Walk with naturalist Carol Felice | Sawyer Mountain Trail trailhead on Route 117, Limington | Francis Small Heritage Trust | www.fsht.org 207.221.0853 |
10 a.m. to 12 noon Saturday, Oct. 15 |
Young Forest Habitat Hike See hawks, porcupines and turtles. Learn how to support them through habitat management | Highland Farm Preserve, 321 Cider Hill Road, York | York Land Trust | Www.yorklandtrust.org 207.363.7400 |
7 p.m. Friday Oct. 14 | Pecha Kucha slideshow Theme is “Take to the Woods” | Kezar Falls Theater, 21 Main Street, Kezar Falls | Francis Small Heritage Trust and Engine | Www.fsht.org 207.221.0853 |
1 pm to 3 pm Saturday Oct 15 |
Post-harvest woods walk Talk to include unique history of Riverton Trolley Park and 2016 harvest to improve forest quality, remove invasive Norway Maple and enhance recreation and habitat. | Riverton Trolley Park, 822 Riverside Street, Portland | City of Portland Parks Department | www.portlandmaine.gov /390/Recreation 207.874.8820 |
6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday Oct. 18 | How to plan a successful harvest. Includes tree selection, types of harvests, access trails, equipment options, wood products, communicating with professionals | Medomack Valley High school | Maine Forest Service and Lincoln County Adult Education | susan_taylor@sad40.k12.me.us or morton.moesswilde@maine.gov 207.441.2895 |
10 a.m. Saturday Oct. 22 | Post-harvest woodlot tour First commercial harvest since woodlot burned in 1947 fire. | Cranberry Marsh North – end of Georgetown Road – Biddeford | Saco Valley Land Trust | Www.sacovalley landtrust.org 207.282.2119 |
1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Saturday Oct. 22 | Family Forestry Days For all ages, demos of sustainable forestry with forester, logger, sawmill operator and log scaler | Curtis Homestead, Bog Road, Leeds | Kennebec Land Trust | http://www.tklt.org/ upcomingevents/ 207.377.2848 |
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 22 |
Wood Innovators Conference and Woodworkers Fair Innovations shaping the future of the Maine woods | Hiram Works, 22 Hampshire Street, Hiram | Tear Cap Workshops Forest Works! |
To register: http://www.tearcap workshops.org /events.html 207 890 2124 |
8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 22 | Forestry for the Birds Learn how forest management can benefit birds and other wildlife | Lawrence Family Conservation Easement, (meet at Albion Cider Mill, 201 East Benton Road, Albion | Sebasticook Regional Land Trust | http://www. sebasticookrlt.org/ events/coming-events/ 207.948.3766 |
9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday Oct. 23 | Searching for Punkintown Tour of recent selective harvest, remnants of historic village and York Pond | At upper parking area behind Brixham Danceworks on Punkintown Road off Route 236, South Berwick. | Great Works Regional Land Trust | www.gwrlt.org 207.646 .3604 |
8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Thursday Oct. 27 | Addressing Invasive Plants in Forest Management: Identification, Strategies, and “BMPs” | Alfred Town Hall, upstairs room. 16 Saco Road, Alfred, ME 04002 | Forest Guild, Maine Natural Areas Program, SWOAM |
Nancy.Olmstead@ maine.gov. 207.287.8046 http://forestguild.org/ node/320 |
10 a.m. to 12 noon Saturday Oct. 29 |
Chainsaw safety workshop. US Forest Service forester Jon Janelle demonstrates safe felling and limbing. | US Forest Service office, Route 111, Lyman | US Forest Service | Contact Jon Janelle jjanelle@fed.fs.us 1-603-868-7628 |