
Take to the Woods October

​When What ​Where Host FMI
1-3 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 1 Demonstration of traditional skills Horse logging, hand-hewing, timberframing, sawmilling, draw-knife carving ​Hobbs Farm, 677 Foxes Ridge Road, Acton Three Rivers Land Trust FMI
9 a.m. to 12 noon Sat. Oct. 1 Open house at Gully Oven Short walk to geolocal curiosity with interesting history ​Gully Oven Road, Lebanon Lebanon Conservation Commission ​
​5 to 7 p.m. Thursday Oct. 6 >Cut Plus Four A woodlot tour four years after a thinning harvest ​Yankee Woodlot
Wells Reserve
Laudholm Road, Wells
Wells Reserve
1 pm to 2 pm.
Friday Oct. 7
Sawmill tour for legislators and the public. The mill produces Eastern White Pine boards of various dimensions ​Pleasant River Pine, 563 New Dam Road, Sanford Forest Works! Limited to 15 people. To register, contact Lee Burnett at 207. 324.1596
10 a.m. to 12 noon
Saturday, Oct. 8
Woodlot tour for legislators and the public with discussion of Maine’s Tree Growth Tax Law Hussey Hill Rd, Acton (opposite Salmon Falls River dam on Hopper Road.) Small Woodlot Owners Association of Maine ​
9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. &
11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 8
​Woods Walk with “Reading the Forested Landscape” author Tom Wessels ​Braveboat Harbor Road, KIttery ​Kittery Land Trust ​
7 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 9 Trust Trail Fest Trail run through the woods. Distances range from 5 K to marathon Emmons Preserve, 57 Gravelly Brook Road, Kennebunkport Kennebunkport Conservation Trust
​10 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 9 Fall Foliage Walk Guided walk with naturalist Eileen Willard ​Wells Reserve, Laudholm Road, Wells ​Wells Reserve
1 to 2:30 p.m. Sunday Oct. 9 Edible and Medicinal Plant Walk with naturalist Carol Felice Sawyer Mountain Trail trailhead on Route 117, Limington Francis Small Heritage Trust
10 a.m. to 12 noon
Saturday, Oct. 15
Young Forest Habitat Hike See hawks, porcupines and turtles. Learn how to support them through habitat management ​Highland Farm Preserve, 321 Cider Hill Road, York York Land Trust ​
7 p.m. Friday Oct. 14 ​Pecha Kucha slideshow Theme is “Take to the Woods” ​Kezar Falls Theater, 21 Main Street, Kezar Falls ​Francis Small Heritage Trust and Engine ​
​1 pm to 3 pm
Saturday Oct 15
Post-harvest woods walk Talk to include unique history of Riverton Trolley Park and 2016 harvest to improve forest quality, remove invasive Norway Maple and enhance recreation and habitat. Riverton Trolley Park, 822 Riverside Street, Portland City of Portland Parks Department
6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday Oct. 18 How to plan a successful harvest. Includes tree selection, types of harvests, access trails, equipment options, wood products, communicating with professionals Medomack Valley High school Maine Forest Service and Lincoln County Adult Education or
10 a.m. Saturday Oct. 22 ​Post-harvest woodlot tour First commercial harvest since woodlot burned in 1947 fire. ​Cranberry Marsh North – end of Georgetown Road – Biddeford Saco Valley Land Trust Www.sacovalley
1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Saturday Oct. 22 Family Forestry Days For all ages, demos of sustainable forestry with forester, logger, sawmill operator and log scaler Curtis Homestead, Bog Road, Leeds ​Kennebec Land Trust
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 22
​Wood Innovators Conference and Woodworkers Fair Innovations shaping the future of the Maine woods ​Hiram Works, 22 Hampshire Street, Hiram Tear Cap Workshops
Forest Works!
To register:
207 890 2124
8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 22 Forestry for the Birds Learn how forest management can benefit birds and other wildlife Lawrence Family Conservation Easement, (meet at Albion Cider Mill, 201 East Benton Road, Albion Sebasticook Regional Land Trust http://www.
9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday Oct. 23 Searching for Punkintown Tour of recent selective harvest, remnants of historic village and York Pond At upper parking area behind Brixham Danceworks on Punkintown Road off Route 236, South Berwick. Great Works Regional Land Trust​
207.646 .3604
8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Thursday Oct. 27 Addressing Invasive Plants in Forest Management: Identification, Strategies, and “BMPs” Alfred Town Hall, upstairs room. 16 Saco Road, Alfred, ME 04002 Forest Guild, Maine
Natural Areas Program, SWOAM
Nancy.Olmstead@ 207.287.8046
10 a.m. to 12 noon
Saturday Oct. 29
Chainsaw safety workshop. US Forest Service forester Jon Janelle demonstrates safe felling and limbing. US Forest Service office, Route 111, Lyman ​US Forest Service Contact Jon Janelle